My Library

For me, reading is always a great way to recharge and look for a different perspective in life after a week's work. Here are some books I recently read and refreshed my mind:

Androids, by Chet Haase
A newly published collection on the roadmap of building Android operating system. Core team members are interviewed and reflected on the early stage work experiences. I found it intriguing to see how a massive software project has been able to lift off; and how's the daily work that achieved it.

Zero To One, by Peter Thiel
As a venture capitalist, Peter shared extensively on his unique insights into successfuly technology startups across the globe. He often challenged conventional perceptions (or misperceptions), and that really blowed my mind. The book itself is actually quite thin (around 200 pages), but ideas within are so incredibly dense.

Measure What Matters, by John Doerr
An official guide to OKR (Objective and Key Results) system. John has narrated how he has brought an effective management tool from Intel to Google and gained phenomenal success over the last 20+ years. There are plenty of instructional and live examples on how to execute OKR in the right way. As a new grad whose first employer has followed such a system, I found this book incredibly useful for a systematic understanding.

How to Live, Inamori Kazuo (《活法》,稻盛和夫)
A great read on work ethics and attitudes. Inamori San has demonstrated how to keep up the motivation when work gets difficult or uninteresting. He has shared extensively on his thoughts from running 2 successful Japanese cooperates. In the time of hardships, there is a better way to position ourselves mentally and find opportunities within it. I believe it's helpful to read again when we sometimes get lost in our work. This book has the potential to always bring us back on track.